
Membership of Edge Performance Writers Collective is open to anyone who shares our interest in supporting West Australian performance writing.

We encourage enquiries for Full membership if you are an active performance writer who is looking for a place to discuss your work and are happy to give and receive constructive feedback. Associate membership is for people who want to support Edge but prefer not to be directly involved in its activities.

Both Edge memberships:

  • support local performance writing,

  • connect you to WA’s only performance writers collective, and

  • provide you with news of Edge events.

A Full membership also gives you:

  • opportunity to join the monthly meetings and share your writers journey in a culture of mutual support and respect,

  • the option to organise or contribute to an Edge event, and

  • discounts to Edge events.

Membership subscriptions costs $55 for a Full membership ($30 for the unwaged) or $30pa for an Associate membership. Fees are due on 1st January each year and expire on 31st December. Membership taken out during the year is the same annual cost and also expires on 31st December.

To take out either a Full or an Associate membership, please complete
the form below.
We are a collective, so all applications go to the whole group before acceptance.

Edge includes writers who are just getting started as well as award-winning writers who have had multiple works produced. We welcome your enquiry.


I’d like to apply for a membership to

Thank you!

We will be in touch as soon as possible.